A green and white logo for umoyo natural health with a sun in the middle.


A green and white logo for umoyo natural health

Pure Moringa Tea

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Product Details

Nourish yourself with the richness of Pure Moringa Tea. Made exclusively from organic Moringa leaves, this infusion offers a powerhouse of nutrients, including vitamins and antioxidants. Experience the earthy, slightly nutty flavor while embracing the natural wellness that Moringa brings. Enjoy the simplicity of a tea free from additives.

1. Bring fresh water to boil
2. Place one tea bag in cup
3. ddd the boiled water
4. Brew for 5 minutes or longer

  • No Flavourants
  • No Colourants
  • No Preservatives

Ingredients: 100% Moringa Leaf

Storage: Once Opened, store in an airtight container in a cool, dark & dry place. Use within 2 months.

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